Generate an AI Vehicle Report with i-DENT-ify

AI has been hailed as a “game changer” when it comes to insurance protocols and generating vehicle reports. What insurance companies and vehicle owners once had to do manually can now be done in seconds, thanks to vehicle damage inspection platforms like i-DENT-ify.

Car inspections are paramount in several sectors, including the used-car industry, vehicle insurance companies, taxi fleets, and private rentals and sales. In years gone by, vehicle inspections and reports were conducted and compiled by personnel who had to physically survey the car and detect damages, dents, and scratches. Thanks to AI innovations, however, many companies are moving into the streamlined and fast-paced digital inspection realm.

AI Vehicle Reporting for Insurance

Whenever a vehicle encounters damages and the owner wants to claim from insurance, the first port of call is a vehicle inspection. Before the damage can be assessed and a quote compiled, insurance companies need to identify the problem. i-DENT-ify enables vehicle owners to compile professional vehicle damage reports in seconds by taking photos of their vehicles. The app summarises the damages and creates an unbiased report which can be sent to insurers. This has several benefits, including:

- Time-saving, since all processes are automated.
- Reduced backlog for insurers who need to inspect many vehicles.
- Higher efficiency levels.
- Cost reduction (in terms of time saved and a reduction in paper-based vehicle reports).
- Fewer instances of fraud as the platform is transparent and image-based.
- Less space for mistakes and human error.

Download the Free App

If you have to make an insurance claim, or you’re a vehicle insurance company looking to compile quick and effective vehicle reports, download our free app and start scanning. For more information on our dynamic app, get in touch, and we will happily be of assistance.

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